Explore Our Micro Market Success Stories

Discover how Trolley Hospitality Companies’ micro market solutions have transformed workplaces and enhanced both employee and customer experiences. From health-conscious food options to fostering community and improving productivity, our micro markets have proven to be invaluable in diverse industries. Through real-world case studies, learn how we’ve partnered with businesses to provide convenient, fresh, and high-quality food services that elevate satisfaction and streamline operations. Explore our success stories below to see how we can make a difference in your workplace.

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Micro Market Drives Employee Retention and Satisfaction

Learn how one Trolley customer's micro market transformed their employee experience for the better.

  • 32% increase in key retention metric
  • 30% increase in employee engagement (Gallup Q12)

Complete the form below to download your copy.

Micro Market Improves Employee Wellness and Collaboration

Read about how a micro market was a game-changer for the mental well-being of employees working at a secure facility in a food desert.

  • Improved nutrition for employees and their families
  • Enhancements to recruiting for competitive roles

Complete the form below to download your copy.

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Micro Market Delights Employees and Customers

Discover how a family of car dealerships used Micro Markets to improve both their working environments and customer experiences.

  • Convenient, healthy food options keep employees on site
  • Improved customer experience during sales and service wait times

Complete the form below to download your copy.

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